How To Do Split Testing or A/B Testing


The main reason you need to be split testing everything from your ads, landing pages, emails and everything in between is because you don’t know best. The market does.

Let’s say there are 2 beautiful eye catching photos of the same exact sunset. If you show these side by side to people and told them to pick their favorite, undoubtedly 1 of the photos will have been picked more than the other.

Of course the difference may be very small, but it can also be very big. This is exactly why you do split testing. You want to see which variation of what you’re testing will produce better results. In marketing terms, we want to find the version that will convert the highest which will ultimately lead to more revenue.

So why spend your time and money into your advertising and marketing efforts when you have the power to optimize for better results? Don’t take my word for it, here is what Bill Gates said back in 2008:


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The key to split testing is to only have 1 variable that is different. In a Facebook ad there are several variables that can be tested. For our example there are 3, the body copy, the creative and the call-to-action message.

There is also the backend targeting settings which can also be tested but let’s assume you did your research and the targeting is on point.

So we want to test all 3 elements of your ad, but remember to only test 1 element at a time.

Split Testing AB Testing Highlark Collective

In the example above, you can see that ad A and B are identical except for the body copy at the top. If we run both of these ad versions for the same duration and same budget, we will be able to find out which body copy will have higher conversion. 

After the testing period, you can get rid of the underperforming body copy forever and put more ad dollars into the copy that the market is responding to. 

You also want to continue to split test with the creative, maybe trying a different image or maybe even a video.

As you may have guessed you’re also going to split test that call-to-action message at the bottom of the end. 

Once you have tested all of your elements, you can now build the best version of your ad. Ideally you are going to periodically test new copy and creatives so you can continuously iterate and improve your ad.

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